Sedation dentistry is a huge relief for anxious dental patients. With sedation, those who need dental treatment, but are fearful of receiving care, can get the oral health attention they need in a worry-free manner. At Taylor Brook Dental Associates, Dr. Catterton provides oral conscious sedation to help patients feel at-ease.
When dental sedation is recommended during your visit, you can expect the following:
Administration of Medication
You’ll be given medication, in pill-form, to take shortly before you visit our office. There are varying medications used in oral conscious sedation and each of them can differ in how long before they take effect, and for what length of time they remain in your system. We advise patients to take the medication at the appropriate time before coming in for their appointment, so they feel relaxed when they’re ready to be treated. If, for any reason, the level of sedation you’re experiencing requires adjustment, we’re able to supply additional medication at the time of the appointment.
It’s important to note that you’ll need a companion to drive you to and from your appointment.
Relaxed Dental Treatment
Oral conscious sedation helps you achieve a feeling of deep relaxation, which is perfect for patients who are anxious about visiting the dentist. While many people refer to sedation as sleep dentistry, sedation does not directly put you to sleep. You will be awake during your appointment, but will not remember much of the appointment time, including sounds and smells.
After-Care and Recovery
When your treatment is complete, your companion will be able to take you home. It’s important to rest and relax while the medication wears off. You will be completely able to return to work the next day, having experienced a stress-free dental appointment.
If you have any questions about dental sedation and whether it’s right for you, please feel free to contact our office for a consultation.
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